
Name Input
Local Score Tab, Global Score Tab
Color Shuffle: $mode, Qty: $qty, Sound Suflle: $sound, Stage: $state Level: $level, Step: $step Score: $score, HighScore: $lhs
Shuffle Mode
Shuffle Qty.
Sound Shuffle

Learn the color pattern and repeat it to advance to the next level. Changing shuffle modes and quantity increase the score reward!
Shuffle Modes:
None: Colors stay at the same place
Level: Shuffle at the begining of the level
Recall: Shuffle before the recall stage
Input: Shuffle after each player input in the recall stage
Teach: Colors shuffle after each color ligts up in the teaching stage
Always: Shuffle everytime after they light up.
Shuffle QTY:
Number of colors that get shuffled.
Sound Suffle:
Association of sounds and colors
None: Sounds vs colors stay the same
Level: Shuffle at the begining of the level
Recall: Shuffle before the recall stage